
Police arrest parolee on vandalism charge

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A 32-year-old parolee, who was reportedly drunk at the time of his arrest Sunday night, allegedly kicked out the rear window of a Glendale police patrol while being detained, officials said.

Police had already arrested Christian Martinez earlier that evening after he was yelling at employees inside the Carl’s Jr. on the 400 block of West Los Feliz Road while holding a beer can, according to police reports.

Officers tried talking to him outside the restaurant, but he was “uncooperative and belligerent,” according to the incident report.

Martinez was handcuffed and placed in the back of the patrol car, where police said he became agitated.

He began spitting on the patrol car windows, so officers placed a spit mask on his face, according to reports.

Martinez then leaned back in the car’s back seat and began kicking the right rear window, eventually causing it to shatter, police said.

Damage to the window and door frame was estimated at more than $400.

Martinez was taken into custody on suspicion of being drunk in public and vandalism.

Veronica Rocha
