
City manager’s selection should be open

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It has come to our attention that the City Council has begun discussions on the selection process for the next city manager for Glendale (“Glendale city manager to retire,” July 13).

We believe this change in leadership presents a singular opportunity to hire an individual who not only has the requisite expertise in the field, but someone who will be able to address the root causes of challenges that our city will face in the coming years.

Hiring such an individual can only and best be accomplished through an open selection process, allowing you to choose from a diverse list of qualified individuals from across the country. Well-run cities and institutions do not happen by chance or accident. We believe the operation of an efficient, fair and well-run organization like the city of Glendale requires the full-time attention of a trained city manager who not only understands the Glendale community, but has the vision and ability to bridge the gap that so heavily affects the daily lives of its residents.

Again, the Armenian National Committee of Glendale and the Armenian National Committee of La Crescenta urge you to adopt an open selection process for the hiring of the new city manager. This will ensure that the incoming manager is not only an individual with substantial subject matter expertise in the relevant areas and a high level of general competence, but also someone who can offer fresh approaches and innovative solutions to the complex issues that our city will face in years to come.

Elen Asatryan


Editor’s note: Asatryan is executive director of the Armenian National Committee of Glendale.
