
Pasadena Sun announces media partnership with Altadenablog

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The Pasadena Sun, a new twice-weekly publication covering Pasadena, South Pasadena and San Marino, announced a media partnership with Thursday.

Though the paper does not distribute to Altadena, the area is of intense interest and importance to the greater San Gabriel Valley area, and it made sense to partner with an expert in that area, said Dan Evans, editor of The Sun.

“We want to become the go-to place online for news about the San Gabriel Valley,” said Evans. “This is just one part of our strategy for going about doing just that.” continues to be fully owned and edited by Timothy Rutt, but selected posts from that site will also be available on as well as the site’s breaking news blog, Likewise, stories from the Sun that are of interest to the Altadena community will be published, at Rutt’s discretion, on Altadenablog.

In addition, Rutt will be writing a weekly column on Sundays called “Altadena Junction,” a nod to the historic train depot in the area.

The Pasadena Sun, which debuts Friday, will reach 17,500 readers through street news racks and those who already subscribe to the Los Angeles Times. The Sunday Valley Sun, a combined effort with the existing La Cañada Valley Sun, will be distributed to 24,000 Times subscribers, with an additional 2,300 copies available in news racks.
