
The Crosby Chronicles: Support your local school, don’t join PTA

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In my last post I discussed all the forms that parents need to fill out at the start of the school year. One of them is the PTA membership.

All my life I have supported the PTA. It’s still a bargain at $5 a membership. However, I didn’t realize that of the $5 only 75 cents is kept at the local school. The bulk of the money funds PTA’s state and national branches. That doesn’t make sense.

Well, I’m no longer going to belong to the PTA. Instead, I will gladly give my money to the local school booster club. That way 100% of the proceeds benefit my child’s school.

It does pay to read the fine print.

Brian Crosby is a teacher at Hoover High School and the author of Smart Kids, Bad Schools and The $100,000 Teacher. He can be reached at
