
Applauding the Glendale Centre Theatre

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It was a great pleasure to read Pat Grant’s article on such a wonderful asset as the Glendale Centre Theatre (“Taken For Granted: A treasure in our midst,” Aug. 21).

We have been going to this theater for years and have never seen a performance that was not superior. The theater is just the right size with realistic prices that all can afford, and there is not a bad seat in the house.

Great performances, great access and great parking with many local restaurants provide outstanding food before or after the performance.

Jim and Carole Weling


The people lack a true representative

I was happy/sad to read Dan Kimber’s great article about our infantile politicians who put party before their country or the people (“Education Matters: Where is the loyal opposition?” Aug. 19). This has been true of most politicians for years, but it is kept quiet, as are most items that refer to the powers of this country.

I especially like Kimber’s statement: “Perhaps we’d all benefit if public speaking forums henceforth came equipped with polygraph hook-ups so that we could see just how loyal our representatives are to the truth.” That is something I have been saying in my blogs for years.

We should have a meter on the television screen that shows us when we are hearing the truth. But then we would have to watch the people running the machines to be sure they weren’t being paid to manipulate the polygraph machines.

As for “representatives,” they are not representatives of this country or its people. They need a new name.

Sam Younghans

