
Restaurant owner seeks conditional-use permits

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The owner of the former Montrose Collection site said Wednesday he is willing to reduce the size OF a new restaurant at the location, but not enough to meet parking requirements.

Alfred Teichert appeared before a Glendale planning officer Wednesday seeking a conditional-use permit to continue using office space that was part of a city-approved expansion by Montrose Collection years ago. Teichert also asked for a permit to have nine fewer parking spaces than would normally be required — an exception granted to Montrose Collection Restaurant and Banquet Hall.

“All I’m asking for is the same thing that the previous tenant had,” said Teichert, who co-owns the new Chandelier restaurant with his wife, Ramona.

Eventually, the city revoked Montrose Collection’s expansion certificate and parking-reduction permit because it was violating city regulations, including operating as a banquet hall.

Alfred Teichert said he was glad Montrose Collection was eventually forced to close.

“I am probably the last person in the world that wants a banquet hall,” he said, adding that Chandelier will be a family restaurant.

He said he was willing to “downsize” the project, but he cannot not give up the needed 1,210 square feet needed because the restaurant’s restrooms were moved into an office area during the expansion.

The Teicherts have owned the property where the restaurant is located for six years, including while Montrose Collection was at the center of controversy.

Planning officer Laura Stotler asked Alfred Teichert if he felt any responsibility to monitor the activities on his property and make sure tenants don’t violate city codes, but he said he had difficulty dealing with the operators of Montrose Collection.

During the public-comment portion of the hearing, resident Roberta Medford asked why floor plans show a stage area.

“That does not make me think of a typical family restaurant,” she said. “I’m a little suspicious as to the actual use of the proposed new restaurant.”

Alfred Teichert said he plans to bring in solo musicians, such as guitarists and pianists, for entertainment. The stage is not large enough for a band, he said, adding that he was willing to take out the stage, particularly if he cannot continue using the office space.

The stage would measure 20 feet wide by 7 feet deep, according to floor plans.

Stotler said four letters had been submitted by nearby residents and a commercial property manager expressing concerns about spill-over parking and excessive noise, which were problems when Montrose Collection was open.

City officials had recommended denying both of Teicherts’ requests because of insufficient parking.

A decision on the application could be rendered in the coming days, with any appeal to the outcome going to the Planning Commission.
