
On keeping the float association afloat

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It is not my nature to write letters to a newspaper, but after reading the article in the Glendale News-Press on Thursday, August 25, 2011 regarding the Glendale Rose Parade float, I feel compelled to write this one.

Having been a member of the Glendale Rose Float Assn. for many years, I take offense at some of the remarks being made. I am annoyed and angry at those of you that have been so critical.

I am also disappointed by the childish remarks made from several City Council members, who I thought had more intelligence, aimed at a group of hard working, dedicated volunteers for choosing a float that they did not care for.

I might add that choosing a float is not a walk in the park and we are only following the traditions of those who started this organization in 1978. We have from 20 to 30 people help choose the float from about 35 concepts, and we select one that we feel will receive the approval of the council and the people of Glendale.

The fact that the City Council has shown little, if any, interest in how the float was progressing is a concern. We have had some very good fundraisers in the past, but I don’t ever recall in recent years a council member attending any of them.

We really cannot accomplish much when we feel that the community is not behind our efforts, as was proven by the poor amount of money sent in by the community at large. If it had not been for the most generous donations by several people, there still would not be float.

We gave the city a check in the amount of $3,125 from our membership — a larger amount than the city received from non-business owners after City Councilman Dave Weaver’s plea on Channel 6, and were told it was too little too late. To be asked if the association was “our fair weather friends now” was not very tactful for a council person.

Floats are costly. For those of you who have been so critical of us, it might do you well to do some homework regarding your concerns and ask us your questions. We would be very glad to help you in your quest to find the answers you need.

We have not seen any of you come forward and give your suggestions or your help. When our own council members cannot be bothered to become members of The Glendale Rose Float Assn. and the community doesn’t get involved, the only way is down.

Over the years, there have been great floats, some not so great, some prize winners, and some not, but all we ever hear about are the not-so-great ones. It is impossible to win a trophy every year, but we do try.

There are going to be folks out there that will say my husband, the current president of the Glendale Rose Float Assn., put me up to writing this letter. I did not tell him about it until it was finished; these are thoughts of my own.

Enjoy the 2012 float. I think it’s a winner.

Bette Ackerman


Editor’s note: Ackerman is a board member for the Glendale Rose Float Assn.
