
Dumbo and the Rose float

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Dumbo was great and so is the float (Rose float design brings PETA protests, Sept. 1).

When I first saw the photo of the float, I thought of all of those elephants that have been, and are still being, slaughtered for their ivory tusks.

In the August issue of the magazine Vanity Fair, there was an article about the illegal slaughter of elephants. Selfish people are buying ivory carvings because they are prestigious.

I love all animals. I have been to many circuses and have read about the mistreatment to animals. I certainly don’t condone mistreatment, but there are many of those animals that get a lot of attention and good treatment. It’s probable that many of them are enjoying their time in the circus.

I certainly don’t know, for a fact, what is true — so I can’t and won’t make a judgment.

The elephant on that float reminds me of the popular cartoon “Dumbo.” No one made disparaging remarks about him. To me, that elephant, on that float, is a tribute to all elephants. Hopefully it may call attention to the illegal slaughter that is going on.

My compliments to the Glendale Rose Float Assn. for creating it — it should win a prize.

Sam Younghans

