
Vita Aguanno


Vita Aguanno

Vita Aguanno dies at the age of 103. After a long a fruitful life, Vita Aguanno passed away at Saint Joseph’s Hospital from age related issues. She is survived by her son Pete and her daughter-in-law Debbie as well as loving nieces and nephews. Born in New York and raised in Sicily, Vita came back to the U.S.A. in 1929 and worked in the New York garment industry. Moving to the west coast she continued working as a seamstress for the garment, aerospace, and trade show industries until she was close to 80. Marked by an absolute faith in God and an upbeat spirit, she had many close and loyal friends.

She finally left the workforce and loved playing bingo at the Patricianers, St. Charles, and the VicVine senior’s clubs. Tirelessly crocheting lap blankets, they were distributed by her friend, Sister Rose to needy seniors.

It’s impossible to chronicle all that she did and all the lives she touched. She lived 103 years on her own, never in a convalescent hospital, never in a wheel chair and always optimistic. With an unshakable belief in God, the Father, Jesus Christ, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, she read the Bible every day, loved God, and loved her family and friends. She will be missed!
