
A solution to the elephant problem

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I will admit I don’t like the design for our city’s 2012 Rose Parade float (“Elephant float kerfuffle continues to charge,” Sept. 8).

“Stepping Out in Style,” featuring a circus elephant pulling a chariot, has absolutely nothing to do with who we are as a city, past or present. And, frankly, it should have long ago occurred to someone, somewhere in the planning process, that many people find the treatment of circus animals unacceptable.

But it looks like we’re stuck with it now, and that no major changes can be made. So here’s my suggestion for a relatively minor change to make: fill the chariot with baby elephants. Make them out of flowers, or raffle off the opportunity to wear a baby elephant costume to ride the float.

Then instead of being read as animal abuse, the float could be read as a devoted elephant parent giving her babies the rare treat of a carriage ride.

Protesters are (hopefully) mollified, the float still looks beautiful, and we are seen as the modern, problem-solving city we strive to be.

“Just Imagine,” indeed.

Eileen V. Wallis

