
Do you have news, an opinion or a photo? How to stay connected

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Your photos: Upload a photo and it could be featured on the 818 now. You can submit your photos here or via our Flickr stream

Your viewpoint: If you are thinking something, say something. We accept letters to the editor via email. The letters will be posted in our online mailbag and also in the print version of the Burbank Leader, Glendale News-Press or the La Canada Valley Sun.

Please include your letter in an email to along with your full name, phone number and city of residence.

If you prefer snail mail:

221 N. Brand Blvd., 2nd floor, Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 637-3200, fax: (818) 637-3247

Your Facebook page:

Glendale News-Press

La Cañada Valley Sun

Burbank Leader

Your Twitter account:



@Burbank Leader
