
Burbank to host meeting on impacts of San Joaquin River Delta

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Burbank officials on Tuesday will host a study session on the regional water supply and how it continues to be impacted by the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

Stephen N. Arakawa, manager of the Bay-Delta Initiative for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California -- a major wholesale water supplier for Burbank and Glendale -- will address issues facing the river delta, and how they percolate throughout the region.

Water agencies have been battling federal environmental officials in court for years over how to best implement protections for endangered species that depend on the delta, while still maintaining access to its water. The San Joaquin River Delta is key source for the State Water Project, which delivers water to Southern California.

In addition to providing an update on delta conservation plans, Arakawa will take questions from the audience, according to an announcement from the city.

The study session, which is open to the public, is scheduled to start at 5 p.m. in Burbank City Council chambers, 275 E. Olive Ave.

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News


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