
City nixes request for former Montrose Collection site

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The city has rejected requests by the new owners of the former Montrose Collection Restaurant and Banquet Hall to continue using expanded floor space and have fewer parking spaces than required by the city.

Principal Planner Laura Stotler rendered the decision, rejecting a request by Alfred and Ramona Teichert, co-owners of Chandelier restaurant, to continue using office space that was part of a city-approved expansion by Montrose Collection in the 2800 block of Honolulu Avenue.

In the notice sent out this week, she also turned down the Teicherts’ request for a parking-reduction permit to have nine fewer parking spaces than required — something that has generated neighborhood pushback in the past.

During the hearing before Stotler last month, Alfred Teichert said he only wanted what was given to the previous restaurateurs. However, Montrose Collection was mired in controversy because it continued operating after violating city regulations, including operating as a banquet hall.

Eventually, the city revoked Montrose Collection’s expansion certificate and parking-reduction permit. Litigation ensued and the city closed the restaurant late last year. The owners, Armen and Takui Aivazian, filed for bankruptcy.

The Teicherts plan to appeal Stotler’s decision to the planning commission, according to Sev Nazarian, a spokesman for the couple.
