
Just who is the victim here?

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As a Glendale homeowner who remodeled a home using the proper city channels, I have to say the victim in this story is not Ms. Shea, nor her son (“Home is front line in battle with City Hall,” Sept. 25).

The story’s victims are the neighbors, and anybody who shares property lines with Judy Shea. She is lucky the entire neighborhood hasn’t sued her in a class action matter.

Playing a victim today, when she already had legal enforcement issues in 2005, is preposterous. And the son, who acted as contractor, in arguing that they didn’t know planning and permits are required, is as valid as flying an airplane without considering a pilot’s license.

As for the 15% private financing rate mentioned, Shea’s situation has a track record of non-compliance, which places the loan/debt in a high-risk category, at best. If she hasn’t complied with the city so far, what makes anybody think she’s going to comply with the terms of a loan? Hence you get high-risk rate.

Loan rates are underwritten by ability to repay, track record and risk. Who hasn’t questioned loan underwriting during this financial crisis? The federal Troubled Assets Relief Program doesn’t apply to bad behavior.

I found the city of Glendale very helpful during my remodel. As a law-abiding citizen, here’s my advice: Before you pick up a hammer in Glendale, go to City Hall, sit down at the counter and tell them what you’re planning to do. Your questions — about process, permitting, etc. — can be answered.

Thank you, Glendale, for enforcing the laws on the books, as these rules keep the law abiding citizen’s home values in place for the future and make our city a place people want to move to — not from.

Greg Andrews

