
Police detain nude woman on Glenoaks

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A woman wearing nothing but a pair of black high heels was detained this week after an officer spotted her in the grass median of Glenoaks Boulevard.

An officer driving on Glenoaks near Alameda Avenue spotted the naked woman, Khadisha Baseer, at about 6:41 p.m. Tuesday standing in the median where children and parents pushing strollers were walking in the neighborhood, Glendale Police Sgt. Tom Lorenz said.

As the officer tried to approach Baseer, she reportedly started yelling, “Tiger sharks are chasing me,” and ran into the westbound traffic lane, where she was almost hit by a passing vehicle, according to Glendale police reports.

The officer shouted for Baseer to return to the median, and she complied but continued screeching “Tiger sharks are going to eat me,” according to an incident report. Baseer then stared at the officer and screamed, “You’re Charles Manson, you’re Ted Bundy.”

The officer detained Baseer because her behavior was “bizarre and dangerous,” police said.

Her age was not immediately available Friday, and police could not disclose her status, citing medical privacy laws.

The spectacle nearly caused collisions as drivers stopped in the roadway, police said.

Other passersby were filming and taking photographs of Baseer as she walked naked along the street, police said.

Baseer was charged in January with soliciting prostitution, but the case was dismissed, according to Los Angeles County Superior Court records.

Police said Baseer has a history of indecent exposure violations, but charges have not been filed against her in Los Angeles County, according to court records.
