
A needle in a haystack

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I am curious to know why Burbank’s International Film Festival opted to showcase up-and-coming talent in dark parking lots at the outskirts of town.

I came to Burbank with my young daughter to see the a cappella group Simply Put, one of the music groups on the roster. I was informed that they were redirected shortly before their performance from the Video Symphony patio — a much safer, well lit and overall better venue for exposure and atmosphere — to a dingy parking lot bordering North Hollywood.

How does a city that prides itself on entertainment account for its shameful ostracizing of musical performances to the curb, like discarded trash, and expect the event patrons to find the performers like a lost needle in a haystack?

If you were truly trying to set an example of high caliber, you would keep your event sections close together, in the main portion of town, where people could find them and feel safe when in attendance.

You did a huge discredit and disservice to not only our family, as patrons of your event, but to the musical group that you were supposed to be showcasing with dignity and class. You owe it to Simply Put to reschedule a performance in the original venue, where they should have been all along.

Jennifer Toth

Castaic, Calif.
