
Awards honor acts of bravery

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Firefighters and the civilians they’re sworn to protect were recognized for their bravery and quick actions in nerve-racking emergency situations at an annual awards ceremony Wednesday.

Glendale resident Hovek Manokian was one of 12 community members and leaders who received the Fire Chief’s commendation for putting out a fire with two extinguishers after discovering flames coming from a clothes dryer on March 23 in his apartment building.

After alerting the Fire Department and other residents of the blaze at the complex on the 1200 block of North Columbus Avenue, he used extinguishers to put out the fire and turned off the gas to the dryer.

“This could have been far worse,” Glendale Fire Chief Harold Scoggins said. “The fire could have spread to another apartment. The building could have burned down. Many families could have been displaced.”

Glendale, he added, is a community full of people who take action.

Nestlé employees Kimberly Bell, Abigail Lillich, Darryl Copeland and Yevime Cherchian were also commended for their swift actions in helping a 50-year-old man who had collapsed while working out inside the Brand Boulevard building gym.

Their quick acts eventually helped to save the man’s life.

Glendale and Pasadena firefighters and paramedics were also honored for their bravery in coming to the rescue of distressed dogs trapped inside a fiery home on the 3100 block of Linda Vista Road.

They searched for the victims on June 9 inside the home even as rounds of ammunition went off due to the fire’s heat. One of two dogs were rescued and the family was unharmed.

“It’s really important to recognize these individuals because a little thing like ammunition going off didn’t stop them and they were able to get the job done,” Scoggins said.

Scoggins and City Manager Jim Starbird, who is retiring at year’s end, were also honored for their service and support of the Fire Department.

“There are two things that [Scoggins] always looks at when he’s going to make a decision: how is it going to affect safety in the community and how it is going to affect the safety of the firefighters,” Glendale Firefighters’ Assn. President Chris Stavros said.

The ceremony was cut short when award recipient John Krikorian collapsed due to an apparent heart attack.



Letters of Appreciation

Jerry Jacobs, City of Glendale retired firefighter

Amanda Avila, City of Glendale

Rand Jeffery, City of Glendale

Gary Christensen, City of Glendale

Tony Mendoza

Junior Fire Essay Winners

Ian Camner, Chief

Jaela Primm, Assistant Chief

Elizabeth Rayco, Deputy Chief

Fire Chief’s Commendations

Hovek Manokian

Syna Sturdivant, Disney


Craig Hammond

Richard Bonner

Vage Dishagapzyan

Mike Matlock, retired, City of Glendale

Kimberly Bell, Nestle

Abigail Lillich, Nestle

Darryl Copeland, Nestle

Yevime Cherchian, Nestle

Yolanda Rodriguez, City of Glendale

Julie Schaeffer, City of Glendale

Unit Citations

Glendale Engine 23A

Captain Dan Nichols

Engineer John McGaffin

Firefighter/Paramedic Brian Butterfield

Firefighter Kellen McLaughlin

Glendale RA26A

Firefighter/Paramedic Andrew Gano

Firefighter/Paramedic Jeffrey Brooks

Pasadena Engine 38A

BC Mike Maas

Firefighter/Paramedic Jim Todd

Engineer Ray Villa

Firefighter Dan Haro

Service Above Self

John Krikorian

Distinguished Service Awards

Firefighter David An

Engineer Jeremy Frazier

Captain Stu Stefani
