
Halloween night falls short of its ideal

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The idealized version of kiddies and adults acting as a character and going door-to-door gathering candy, homeowners decorating their front yards in motifs suitable to the American invention of this event, and the quietude granted to those who turn off their porch light is just that: an idealized version.

The reality of this year’s event in the Rossmoyne-Mountain neighborhood and the Kenneth Village-Highland area bespeaks another event — rampaging mayhem, Glendale police stretched too thin to answer all the summons for help as quickly as homeowners wished, property and landscaping damage estimated at hundreds of dollars for one home on North Jackson Street.

If we hadn’t been outside looking at the unbelievable amount of people, the damage could have been far worse, as my husband was able to yell at them to get off our property.

Gary Huerta, you say if we “don’t want to celebrate with the rest of you, simply turn out your lights” (“Unclassified Info: After all, which holiday is scarier? Nov. 1)? The amount of “trick-or-treaters” was off the charts. In the 14 years we have lived here, we have never seen the likes of this year’s event in terms of sheer numbers and in the destructive power of young people who totally lack any social awareness.

They weren’t out to participate in the fun that many kids were trying to have, they were in the area just to behave badly, as if it was some bizarre rite of passage.

A horde of teenage boys — as at least 20 or so were involved in this incident of shoving, pushing and destruction of our personal property — reminded us that our society has become one of too little parental supervision. No accountability or consequences for bad behavior seems to be taught by the sperm and egg donors of these miscreants.

At least all the school teachers can breathe a sigh of relief over this — they’re not responsible. The blame lies with you parents who forget you have a responsibility to society to train your offspring!

Not one those hoodlums apologized. You should be so proud. You’ve raised jerks in your image!

Samanthe Kadar

