
Conrad Murray and the “Pasadena blonde”

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The conviction of doctor-to-the-stars-turned-felon Conrad Murray has certainly turned the heads of media types all over the country and the world. Everyone is looking for a local angle on this story. The Pasadena Sun is no exception.

Our Crown City angle comes thanks to Lisa de Moraes, who writes “The TV Column” blog for the Washington Post. Her piece, which makes fun of the breathless coverage by Headline News, includes a new twist on an old cliché: the Pasadena blonde.

Deep in her post, de Moraes makes note of the following interview outside the downtown Los Angeles courthouse, as broadcast by the network. Murray, at this point, had been denied bail following his conviction for involuntary manslaughter of the King of Pop, and had been led from the courtroom in irons.

 “We’re so happy about the handcuffs,” chimed in a Pasadena blonde dressed in large designer sunglasses and houndstooth-check car coat.“I don’t even know what to say, I’m so thankful. It’s such a release of emotion. The man needed to go to jail and he’s on his way! Yes! Yes! Yes!” shouted someone named Patty.“Kudos to the prosecution,” Pasadena Blonde added, giving credit where credit was due.

Brother. So now Pasadena is now the symbol of all that is vapid and dumb? Great. I emailed de Moraes to ask her about this, but she hasn’t responded as yet.


Conrad Murray guilty in death of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s death: The trial of Dr. Conrad Murray

-- Dan Evans, Times Community News

Twitter: @EditorDanEvans
