
Checking out Occupy L.A.

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It looks like the ice is broken on letters about the Occupy movement (“Occupy Wall Street a cause for concern,” Nov. 8). But the writer does not seem to have gone there.

Occupy L.A. is close enough to Glendale that I can make it in an easy bike ride along the Los Angeles River path, seeing water fowl, including egrets, on the way, followed by a short trip on surface streets to downtown.

I highly recommend going to L.A. City Hall to experience it yourself. The community is so inclusive that you should expect to see some outcasts, such as homeless. And it is camping, so think of it as a campground, a very peaceful but energetic one.

If you are looking for a place to go any day, any time, for a wide range of policy, philosophy and history discussions, it’s hard to image a better place. I had gone to the area for court before and had relatively negative impressions; but it has been totally transformed for the better by Occupy L.A.

Don’t believe the hype. Go there yourself whenever you have the chance.

Scott Peer

