
Americana launches school donor program for holiday shoppers

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With Black Friday looming on the calendar, Americana at Brand representatives this week announced that they will be bringing back a fundraiser for local schools that last year generated $100,000.

Now through Dec. 31, shoppers at The Grove in Los Angeles the Americana can take their receipts to the concierge desk and designate a local school of their choice as a recipient. Caruso Affiliated, which owns the two outdoor malls, will donate 5% of purchases to the program, up to $100,000 for schools in Los Angeles and Ventura counties, according to the announcement.

A representative for Caruso Affiliated did not have the figure raised for Glendale schools last year, but said the program always hits its $100,000-mark.

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News

Twitter: @JasonBretWells

Photo: The Americana at Brand. Credit: Times Community News
