
Speeding problem must be solved

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I’ve lived all over the world — London, Barcelona, New York, Boston. My friends and family call me a world traveler. Now, the city where I’ve decided to settle down, Glendale, is home to the worst speeding I’ve ever seen.

It’s not the frequency that gets to you, it’s the speed — a quiet neighborhood like ours deafened by random cars swerving through narrow streets at ungodly speeds. It’s a peculiar and dangerous phenomenon. And it has to be stopped.

Glendale consistently ranks near the top for having the most traffic accidents of any city in the country. When compared to other cities on the list, this statistic is ludicrous. We’re talking major cities with much larger populations, like Baltimore and Washington, D.C.

We live near Glenoaks Boulevard, and on evenings it sounds like the Indy 500. Cars randomly tear around the corner and speed down our street. I question whether I should jeopardize my own safety to pursue offenders.

This problem is solvable and unnecessary.


Speed cameras — Install speed traps with cameras on and around Glenoaks Boulevard that take an instant snapshot of offenders’ license plates. Big ticket in the mail. Big consequences for repeat offenders.

Speed bumps — Distribute questionnaires asking residents if they want them in their neighborhoods. The city should re-evaluate restrictions on these, like emergency routes and traffic requirements, and consider the issue of safety.

More police enforcement — Glendale police need to be more proactive in attacking this issue. Everyone I’ve spoken to and all my research has shown this to be a long-standing, serious problem in Glendale and has driven many longtime residents out. Stake out Glenoaks Boulevard on evenings, go undercover, set examples to show that speeding will not be tolerated. Taxpaying residents of Glendale deserve better.

My girlfriend and I hope to stay in Glendale and start a family here. We would like to live without the fear of a random speeder seriously injuring ourselves or our family. We’ve invested in this city, bought our cars on Brand Boulevard, and we shop at the Americana at Brand and are involved in the community.

We often talk about what it’s going to take for things to change so we can live without fear. We can only do so much. The choice is with the city.

Act now, or wait until a tragedy forces action — a tragedy like 11-year-old Meri Nalbandyan. While walking on a crosswalk after school, she was struck and killed in front of her mother and classmates. Then, stop signs were installed.

Do we need to wait until a child dies on every street in Glendale before the city takes action to avoid more deaths? October 2011 was the three-year anniversary of Meri’s death. What have we learned from it?

To join an online petition calling for action, email

Zack Stoff

