
Shopping marathons at the Americana, Glendale Galleria

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It was just like any other day at the Glendale Galleria. Swarms of teens crowded the walkways and benches. Some young couples cuddled, as if unaware that the biggest sale of the season was in progress around them.

Burbank resident Liz Martinez, 36, likely walked by a few as she executed her expertly planned operation, with stops to pick up bargains at the Disney Store, Gymboree and Abercrombie.

“I came to buy all the expensive clothes for my daughter I can’t afford,” said Martinez, arms full with nine large bags of toys and clothing.

At Glendale’s Americana at Brand, Glendale resident Adrian Villanueva, 19, was winding down -- and it was only 5:30 a.m. He had already traveled to Best Buy, Fry’s Electronics, Target and Krispy Kreme.

The four-year Black Friday pro had paid off his bills early and delayed other spending so that he would have a full wallet for the day after Thanksgiving.

“I have a whole route,” Villanueva said. “If you don’t have a plan, you’ll be walking around like a turkey with its head cut off.”

His friend and fellow Glendale resident Jules Blandon, 19, stocked up on Christmas gifts for his brothers and cousins -- and a little something for himself too.

He grabbed a black Marc Ecko jacket he had resisted buying last week when it cost $100.
“I got it for $45 this morning,” he said.

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-- Dalina Castellanos and Tiffany Hsu, Los Angeles Times
