
Leonard Orville Condit

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Leonard Orville Condit was born April 17, 1923, in Detroit Michigan, to Fern Gillette Condit and Walter Henton Condit. He passed away November 2, 2011. Len had three brothers, Walter, Fred and Dick. He spent most of his childhood growing up on a farm in Milgrove, Michigan. Len attended Southeastern HS in Detroit, and it was in high school -- during competitive swimming -- that Len met the love of his life and wife of 61 years, Sara. They married in 1945. Len attended Wayne State University, and then on scholarship, continued on to Medical School, Class of 1948. He served his country as Lt. JG for the Navy as a surgeon, first in the Bahamas and then in New Mexico as the Reservation Dr.

Dr. Condit completed his general surgical residency at University of Illinois’ Presbyterian Hospital, and then moved to Northwestern for pediatric surgery. Len and Sara were off to California, where he lived and practiced for many years, serving as Chief of Staff at both Queen of Angels and Providence St. Joseph Hospital in Burbank.

Dad taught surgery at USC and practiced pediatric and general surgery in Burbank for many, years. He helped so many, healed so many and taught so many. Len and Sara were long time members of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Glendale.

Len leaves behind his daughter Julie Virjee, son-in-law Fram Virjee, and his beloved grandsons, Braunson, Cameron and Connor Virjee --those three young men being the apple of his eye to whom he taught everything from swimming, and baseball to facts about the Old West and Knights of the Roundtable. Len also leaves behind his son, Brian Condit, of whom he was so very proud for his academic and professional accomplishments as well as his zest for life.

Len had a thirst for knowledge and his passions were medicine, reading, learning every historical fact possible, baking, gardening and helping those who needed it most.

In 2001, Len and Sara moved to Palos Verdes to be closer to their grandsons and settled in at St. Francis Episcopal Church. They were always on the hunt for the perfect breakfast, or for Len, the perfect burger. Together they loved the beautiful peninsula and found each day a blessing. Sara passed away in 2006, leaving Len heartbroken. He lived in Belmont Village and was lovingly cared for by Julie and his amazing caregiver Jay Cunanan.

We will miss you Daddy, but know that you are dancing in Heaven with Mom. We hold our Dad and Granddad close and dear in our hearts.

God Bless You--You were His most faithful servant.

Donations may be made to the

Dr. Leonard O. Condit Memorial Scholarship

USC Keck School of Medicine

1975 Zonal Ave, KAM 304

Los Angeles, CA 90089

