
Moorhead’s legacy is memorialized at service

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“A Representative Life” was more than just a slogan for former Congressman Carlos Moorhead — it was his legacy.

That was the central message relayed during Moorhead’s memorial service on Saturday, attended by dozens of friends, family and community members — some of whom wore campaign-style buttons with a picture of Moorhead, 89, and the slogan “A Representative Life.” The late politician died Nov. 23 after a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

“He was a man of integrity, no pretenses. The same man in public as he was in private,” Moorhead’s daughter, Teri Bradford Rouse, said during the ceremony at Glendale Presbyterian Church.

His political life began in the 1960s when he won a seat on the California Assembly.

Moorhead’s political aspirations continued, eventually earning the Republican a Congressional seat representing Glendale, Burbank and Pasadena for 24 years.

Unlike the sometimes mean-spirited world of partisan politics that currently exists, Moorhead worked “across the aisle” with Democrats, Republicans, liberals and conservatives, retired Sen. William Armstrong (R-Colo.) said.

“He knew what he believed,” said Armstrong, who is president of Colorado Christian University. “He was a man of conviction. He always stood up to be counted for what was right, but he did it with such courtesy and with such respect that he earned the admiration and affection and appreciation of not only his constituents of both parties, but of the men and women on both sides of the aisle in Washington as well.”

For Bob Cochran, who served as Moorhead’s district director for nine years, working with the late congressman was invaluable because he guided him and fellow staffers on “what he saw and what his role and mission was as a representative.”

Moorhead’s mission: to help the citizens in his district.

“Each of us has the pride in our hearts about being a part of that team and being a part of that family,” Cochran added.

His long career in Washington D.C. and politics was depicted during Saturday’s memorial in a slide show of photographs, in which Moorhead was shown with former presidents, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton.

Even after Moorhead retired from politics, he remained active in the community, including with the Glendale Presbyterian Church, Glendale Community College and the Salvation Army.

“He was a man of service and we need more people like him who saw things as right and wrong and who fought to make things better,” said Capt. Rio Ray of the Glendale Salvation Army.


Carlos Moorhead, longtime congressional representative, dies at 89

-- Veronica Rocha, Times Community News

Twitter: @VeronicaRochaLA

Photo: President Gerald Ford campaigns outside Glendale City Hall in October 1976, with Rep. Carlos Moorhead at left. Credit: Times Community News
