
Durkee provided accounting services without a license, state investigation concludes

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A state investigation has concluded that campaign treasurer Kinde Durkee provided clients with accounting services without a license, officials said Monday. But they have had trouble finding a prosecutor without ties to the ubiquitous political aide.

Durkee is already facing a federal charge of mail fraud that includes allegations of mishandling campaign funds from a state lawmaker’s account. A separate investigation by the state Board of Accountancy now has determined that she lacked a license, which board spokeswoman Lauren Hersh said would be a misdemeanor that could result in up to six months in jail and $1,000 in fines.

The state filed its report with the Burbank city attorney’s office for possible prosecution, because Durkee’s office is in that city. But the agency turned down the request, citing a potential conflict of interest.

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-- Patrick McGreevy, Los Angeles Times
