
Dead, and don’t even know it?

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If we didn’t know by now about our City Council’s incompetence, now it is time to find out (“Glendale to get ‘animated’ in image makeover,” Nov. 30).

Gary Huerta (“Unclassified Info: Pricey tagline says nothing about Glendale,” Dec. 6) wrote in detail about Glendale’s hiring North Star Destinations to create a catchy logo for our city for the neat amount of $140,000.

The initial result: “Your city. Animated.” It would be funny, were it not our money being spent for something so uninspired.

Why not try students from high school, or even junior high? I think they would come up with something witty, short and attractive.

“Your City. Animated.”?

According to “Roget’s II the New Thesaurus — Animated, to be marked by or exhibiting life; to animate, to make alive.

Were we dead and didn’t even know it?

Nadia Bogosian

