
Ignore the 1% who hate Walmart

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Ninety-nine percent are rational citizens that welcome Walmart.

Ninety-nine percent are logical citizens that welcome a well-run, taxpaying corporate success.

Ninety-nine percent are unbiased citizens that welcome nearby value and quality.

Ninety-nine percent are clear-thinking citizens who welcome an exponential increase in tax revenues from outside the community.

Ninety-nine percent are balanced citizens who welcome countless Walmart-generated jobs throughout the community.

Ninety-nine percent are stable citizens who welcome a Walmart that will be here for the foreseeable future and beyond.

And 99% are everyday citizens who welcome Walmart’s contribution to the realization of the American dream.

The 1% are common-sense-challenged citizens who hate Walmart’s low prices, new jobs and, of course, when all else fails, the “increased traffic” (“Crime isn’t any worse at Walmarts,” Dec. 11).

Richard Bartlett

