
Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore to be among Occupy Rose Parade demonstrators

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Occupy protesters are planning their own show at the end of the Rose Parade.

Occupy forces from the around the nation are expected to converge on the Rose Parade, being held Jan. 2, for the protest.

“We have people coming from Seattle, Portland, Oakland and New York,” said Pete Thottam, an Occupy spokesman.

Pasadena police and Tournament of Roses officials have been negotiating with Occupy representatives for several weeks on a plan that they hope will prevent any disruptions to the parade. Pasadena officials will allow the Occupy group to march the route at the end of the parade, after all the floats have passed.

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-- Richard Winton and Catherine Saillant, Los Angeles Times

Photo: Volunteers decorate their floats at the Rose Bowl float barn in Pasadena on Saturday, December 10, 2011. There will be 44 floats that will be participating at the Rose Bowl Parade. Credit: Cheryl A. Guerrero/Staff photographer
