
Objection to smart meters is paranoia

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Merry Christmas to Mike Mohill. My Christmas wish for him is to learn to love smart meters (“Privacy, security are the real worries,” Dec. 15).

Unfortunately, the absurd rant against smart meters goes on and on. If Mohill only uses a corded phone, writes his letters with pen and paper and never has any sort of diagnostic X-rays, then maybe he has a slight rationale for objecting to the minuscule radiation from smart meters.

As far as Big Brother is concerned, Glendale Water & Power already knows how much water and electricity its customers use every two months. So what if the utility knows their usage weekly, daily or even every second — unless he is using unusual amounts for some nefarious purpose?

If Mohill wants to scream about Big Brother, then scream about some of the invasive practices that have been used purportedly to root out “terrorists.”

Also, Glendale Water & Power officials informed us about the smart meters and their impending installation long before they were put in place. There was more than ample opportunity before installation to seek additional information and to provide comment.

However, I guess I can fault the utility for not recognizing beforehand the potential for smart meter paranoia among a small group of Glendale citizens. But then, that unwarranted paranoia was a surprise to me, too.

Robert Morrison

