
Help out or shut up


Throughout 2011, the Glendale News-Press was riddled with articles regarding the Rose Parade float selected for the city of Glendale. It was difficult for the funding to be pulled together, and there was strong opposition against the theme.

At the time, it seemed to me a lot of people were upset about what was selected. However, no one stepped up to be a part of the selection committee to begin with. The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals even stepped in to claim that the float represented animal cruelty.

It was a lot of smoke, but no fire.

So on Jan. 2 of the New Year, I sat down to watch the 2012 Rose Parade. The Glendale float was near the beginning and I thought it looked very nice and fit well with the theme of the overall parade.

I knew there was some controversy over the fact that there was an animal pulling a carriage — that it somehow represented animal cruelty in circuses. But then I started to see multiple floats with animals. There were horses, birds, pigs, bears, then to top it all off, a float with surfing dogs.

I had to ask myself, “Could these represent animal cruelty?” Of course they could. Does that mean that we should never have any animals in floats ever again? Absolutely not.

So all that controversy? Much ado about nothing.

I commend the committee that stepped up to select the float and I also commend the organizations and people that contributed funds to keep the Glendale float in the parade.

I have a life rule that I like to live by: If you aren’t willing to step up and help, then don’t complain.

Happy New Year!

Kristen Shadburn

