
Berman, Sherman meet in first forum of hot congressional race

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In their first public confrontation since deciding to run for the same new San Fernando Valley congressional district, Democratic Reps. Howard L. Berman and Brad Sherman traded barbs at a candidates forum in Woodland Hills on Thursday night.

Sherman went on the attack in his opening remarks, saying “Howard’s been very effective on the wrong side” of several issues. He pressed Berman throughout the evening to sign a pledge aimed at blunting the effects of “super PACs.” He wanted Berman to give to the U.S. Treasury an amount equalling any money these independent committees spend on his behalf.

Berman said Sherman “doesn’t have the skills to get his positions through.”

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-- Jean Merl, Los Angeles Times

Photo: Rep. Howard L. Berman shakes hands with Rep. Brad Sherman at the conclusion of a candidate’s forum for a Valley congressional seat at the Westfield Promenade shopping mall in Woodland Hills. Credit: Jay L. Clendenin/Los Angeles Times
