
More portable toilets, please

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Hello folks, I really enjoyed your articles in the Rose Parade Survival Guide this week.

As the owner of a travel firm, I have been bringing groups into Pasadena and the Rose Parade for about 13 years. The fantastic weather, along with the dozens of touring venues, has always made this trip special to my wife and myself, as well as to the many patrons who have followed us.

We have never been disappointed with the Rose Parade, its organization, the many friendly volunteers and the entire beautiful city that invites the world into its community every year.

This year, we had a smaller group to care for in our travels, so I had a little more time to focus on the day and its trappings. We did see one change that affected our group and many others — the lack of portable toilet facilities. Where we once saw a dozen or more at one location, we now saw only three or four, with lines that exceeded 40 yards in length.

That wouldn’t seem like a big deal — until you needed relief. That may be an issue to address with parade officials or in another article.

Many thanks for listening and we look forward to reading your articles each year during our visit to Pasadena.

Bill Krouse

Red Lion, Pa.
