
PTA News: GHS recognizes student awardees

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Glendale High School

Glendale High’s PTSA President Karen Veloz recaps December’s joint PTSA meeting with Wilson Middle School and representatives from Roosevelt Middle School which is hoping to start a PTA unit. “Glendale High showcased a few programs such as the Jazz Band and Cosmetology School,” she reports. The meeting also acknowledged student awardees in the GHS Reflections Program: Visual Art — Alex Avagimian; Photography — Mane Avagyan, Vanuhi Vartanian, Gladiola Pelayo, Seth Coffman; Literature — Adrine Shahnazaryan, Nasrin Jafari, Anahit Sargsyan, Jamil Vargas; Dance Choreography — Christian Davis, Shelby Henderson, Martin Hechanova, Allina Urumieh; Musical Composition — Alex Choi, Justin Llamas, Shushanik Gabrielyan, Frank Mezzatesta. Parents, students, and teachers of the GHS community who have served the school and students in a noteworthy way were honored: Stephen Sie, Nareg Ghazikhanian, Christa Bretz, and Karin Bashin.

Veloz adds that the PTSA will send representatives to the Sacramento State Legislation Conference in February. “Our goal is to be educated about the issues our government faces as they relate to our children and what part as parents we can play in affecting an outcome that benefits their welfare and safety,” she said. “Our theme this year is ‘Every Parent Involved’ and we hope to find ways to accomplish just that.”

Wilson Middle School

PTSA Historian Linda Guzik congratulates students recognized in the Glendale Council PTA’s Reflections program. Alexander Ayvazor received Second Place in Literature. Zachary Erstad placed third in Music Composition, and Austin Borusiewicz received Second Place in Video/Film Production. The students will receive a certificate at an upcoming school board meeting in March.

RD White Elementary

A Safe Routes to School meeting is set for 7 p.m. Wednesday in the library, reports Principal Suzanne Risse. Friday at 7:45 a.m. the school hosts its “First Friday Walking School Bus.” “Join families, teachers, and staff at designated locations and walk to school,” says Risse.

Verdugo Woodlands Elementary

Tell your family and friends about the Dads Club Annual Pancake Breakfast from 7 a.m. to noon Saturday, Jan. 28. Michael Tsaparian and Mike Ruiz, Dads Club co-chairs, say a $5 donation gets you pancakes, sausage, orange juice and coffee. Proceeds benefit the Dads Club Community Building, a nonprofit corporation. For information contact

Got Heart? That’s what school liaison Madelaine Motallebi is asking ahead of Verdugo Woodlands’ third-annual Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, Feb. 12. Janet Lazier, Blood Drive chair, requests that families check the school’s online Thursday Folder for appointment cards and donor information. “Fill out the cards and return them to your child’s teacher,” she says. Potential donors choose from three shifts: 9 to 11a.m.; 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and 1 to 3 p.m. Also scheduled is “Be the Match” Bone Marrow Registry. A simple, painless cheek swab is all that is necessary to become a member and potentially be the match that would save a life. To sign up, please contact Janet Lazier at (818) 437-4465 or

Save the date for Saturday, March 3, says “The Ritz” benefit chair Rose Watson. This is expected to again make an impact by raising funds for the school’s Art, Education & Technology programs. This year’s event is at the La Cañada Flintridge Country Club.

Edna Karinski covers the Glendale High cluster PTA. Email
