
Legislators seek to help cities losing redevelopment agencies

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Reporting from Sacramento -- As the clock ticks toward the Feb. 1 deadline to begin dissolution of California’s redevelopment agencies, state lawmakers are scrambling to answer the contentious question of how the state can help cities subsidize private development to promote economic growth.

On Thursday, one state senator proposed extending the life of the agencies; another wants to replace them with different organizations that could fund environmentally friendly growth.

The agencies are on borrowed time because the California Supreme Court last month upheld Gov. Jerry Brown’s elimination of their funding but struck down a compromise that would have let them survive in a lesser form.

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Cities seek clarity on redevelopment ruling

-- Patrick McGreevy and Nicholas Riccardi, Los Angeles Times

Photo: “The governor may have killed [redevelopment agencies], but he has not killed economic development,” said Miguel Santana, city administrative officer for Los Angeles. Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times
