
Has Barry Allen apologized?

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Four Glendale residents spoke during the Jan. 10 Glendale City Council meeting alleging that Glendale’s self-appointed community watchdog, Barry Allen — aka Allen Silvarman — is the same Allen Silvarman who pleaded guilty to the charge of counterfeiting money. Another Glendale resident used the Internet to discover the newspaper articles about this.

For years, Barry Allen has been beating the drum for transparency and more ethical behavior from local government officials. I am among the people who thought this was a good thing at first, but soon decided to keep my distance from him because I didn’t like his anti-government campaign.

Other residents have publicly criticized his attacks against certain Glendale elected officials and staff members (“Council may limit interaction between government officials and ‘known crooks,’ Jan. 17).

The Internet documentation supports the allegation that Allen did prison time for counterfeiting. Has he apologized to the people who associate with him for not telling them this significant fact about himself?

Will he at last cease his attacks against local Glendale officials?

Nancy Burnet Kent

