
Killing the goose that laid the golden egg

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We agree with the op-ed written by Garry E. Ackerman in the News-Press on Sunday titled “Float association has had enough.”

This hard working, loyal and dedicated group has had nothing but verbal abuse and smear tactics plumbed against it for the past six months. For what? Well, its members had the audacity to select an animal that looked like Dumbo the elephant with a happy smile.

This long-standing volunteer group has devoted time, energy and money to Glendale’s Rose Parade float. The volunteers have done nothing but good works for the community at large. What is their reward for all those years of work?

The answer is a tidal wave of non-appreciation by the city of Glendale, which had the audacity to ask for more money and work for a project that the city should have been directly involved with and supported at all levels.

When volunteers are not appreciated, it is time to place their efforts where their works will be valued. The message is clear by the actions of the city that these volunteers were not appreciated.

Those in the city who want to do good works will find better avenues for their efforts. Faithful, long-standing volunteers in our community need respect and recognition. The city of Glendale did neither for the rose float association.

The Glendale Rose Float Assn. did the right thing by disbanding. The city will soon recognize that they killed the goose laying the golden egg when it comes time for the next Rose Parade float.

Jim and Carole Weling

