
Motorcyclist crashes on Angeles Crest Highway

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A motorcyclist who crashed in a single vehicle accident on Angeles Crest Highway Tuesday afternoon suffered only minor injuries, authorities said.

California Highway Patrol Public Information Officer Kevin Denmon said that although the crash took place at mile marker 41, between Mount Wilson and Upper Big Tujunga Canyon roads, around 1:30 p.m.

Denmon said that the motorist was unconscious or semi-conscious when officers arrived, leading to a helicopter evacuation to Verdugo Hills Hospital, but that the motorist wasn’t seriously injured.

“Right now it looks like just minor injuries,” he said. “They airlifted the guy but that was just precautionary measures because he might have been unconscious when they got there.”

Denmon said that more details would be released after responding officers returned from the hospital and made their report, but at this time the cause of the accident was unknown.

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News

Twitter: @ValleySunDan
