
Civic volunteers deserve appreciation

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This letter is written in support of Garry Ackerman and the Glendale Rose Float Assn., who have given of themselves voluntarily in service to this community for 33 years.

Shame on the City Council for how they have treated this group of committed Glendale citizens. Having come from a small town in the Midwest, I can attest firsthand to the value and benefit of how — through volunteering — a community grows and thrives as I saw my parents spend their adult lives doing just this.

They, however, and others like them in the community, were appreciated and valued. Unfortunately, I believe it has become a reality across the country in this era of greed and self-interest that we now live — that volunteering to look out for others and build community has all but disappeared, and our country is the poorer for it.

When even the leaders of the city do not appreciate, value and hold in esteem the work of community volunteers, what can we do?

Mary Bagan

