
School displays 300 student art pieces

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Over 300 pieces of students’ art covered the walls from floor to ceiling at Incarnation Parish School auditorium for the opening night reception of the annual student art exhibition.

On Jan. 28, 200 people including parents, students and others from the community came to see the artwork, according to Gloria Villegas in a statement.

The students presented drawings, prints, and paintings which explore various mediums and techniques including engraving and collage. Portraits, life drawings, sculptures, still life and abstract compositions comprised the genres represented in the exhibition.

The exhibit featured pieces from students in kindergarten to those in eighth grade and the evening featured live music performed by students and parents.

Art teacher Edilia Cuevas said the exhibit served as a way to celebrate each student’s artistry. “It’s our way of honoring and showcasing the artist in every child.”

“Art is a critical and integral part of Incarnation School’s curriculum,” said Church of the Incarnation Principal Olivia Carrillo in a statement, adding that the exhibit “provides the students with a real-life art world experience of exhibiting their work to the community.”

-- Kelly Corrigan
