
Excluded congressional candidate files complaint with IRS

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A Republican candidate excluded from a Jewish Journal forum has filed a complaint with the IRS alleging that the nonprofit publication is improperly engaging in political advocacy.

An attorney for writer Susan Shelley, one of two Republicans in the widely watched clash between Democratic Reps. Howard Berman and Brad Sherman for a San Fernando Valley congressional district seat, alleged that the newspaper was opposing Shelley. As a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization, the newspaper is not allowed to take positions for or against political candidates.

Rob Eshman, the Jewish Journal’s publisher and editor in chief, said the publication has not taken sides in political races in its 25 years as a nonprofit organization and he strongly disagreed with Shelley’s characterization that it is doing so now.

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-- Jean Merl, Los Angeles Times

Photo: Reps. Howard Berman, left, and Brad Sherman square off at a Jan. 5 candidates forum; candidates Susan Shelley and Mark Reed are partially shown behind them. Credit: Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times
