
Carving out the Alex

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Recent developments in Sacramento have resulted in the state closing redevelopment agencies which — for many municipalities — were vital sources of income to communities that allowed them to further their goals and lend support.

Unfortunately, the way Assembly Bill 26 is written, it sometimes strikes at the heart of facilities, like Glendale’s Alex Theatre, that have resonance and history within the community.

Glendale Arts currently operates the Alex Theatre under a lease and management agreement with the Glendale Redevelopment Agency that is in effect through June 30, 2015. While this may delay the sale of the Alex Theatre until our lease expires, it will not prevent it.

It is thought that the Alex Theatre could be saved as a “carve-out” project through the section of the bill that allows for cities to retain public facilities built with redevelopment money, such as roads, libraries or fire stations.

Hopefully, there will be some resolution to this issue by adding an addendum to the bill that makes reference to historic, iconic and functionally important structures within a community that are judged as essential to a community’s history and artistic health.

Michael Fish

Los Angeles
