
Students react to CV High death

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Except for a small memorial outside the main entrance Saturday morning, there was no other sign that a student died the day before at Crescenta Valley High School.

A framed photograph of 15-year-old sophomore Drew Ferraro was placed on a bench outside the campus on Community Avenue, surrounded by flowers and still-lit candles from the night before.

“RIP Drew, You will be missed. May you rest in peace...” read a hand-written note placed inside a bundle of red and white carnations.

On Friday afternoon, Ferraro reportedly jumped off a 3-story building at the high school in an apparent suicide.

Glendale Unified Supt. Dick Sheehan said Friday that bullying did not appear to be a factor in the death, but students on the blogging site tumblr wrote he was bullied and harassed regularly.

“My deepest fear is that Drew took his life to send a crystal clear message to all bullies at my school— That death results in their actions,” wrote one student.

Another tumblr user and student questioned how a student was able to climb a building unnoticed:

“[W]here are all the security guards during this? Probably just talking to students and hanging around…how do you not notice a kid climb up to the roof?”

On Facebook, a group called Letters to Drew already has 181 members. Many of the posts written about Ferraro begin with “I never knew you” and they are from Crescenta Valley High students, parents and alumni.


CV High student’s death was an apparent suicide, officials say

-- Tiffany Kelly, Times Community News

Twitter: @LATiffanyKelly

Photo: A memorial outside Crescenta Valley High School for Drew Ferraro on Saturday, February 11, 2011. Credit: Tiffany Kelly/Times Community News.
