
Article left out some of the major players

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Great article (“From eyesore to garden spot,” Feb. 3) except that no mention was made of the important role Neighborhood Services and the Committee for a Clean & Beautiful Glendale had in the inception, organization and execution of this green project.

The city of Glendale received several important awards from Keep America Beautiful last month, but at the City Council meeting, unfortunately not one council member even mentioned Neighborhood Services, Sam Engel or the Committee for a Clean & Beautiful Glendale.

That was truly a great disappointment because without the vital role of Neighborhood Services and the committee, we wouldn’t even be affiliates of Keep America Beautiful; our city would not be acknowledged for our recycling efforts and our city would not be as clean and green as it is.

Neighborhood Services is a city department that works diligently to get the job done via the recruitment of hundreds of volunteers, fundraisers and the progressive efforts of staff, yet our council says nothing to acknowledge these efforts. This is further exacerbated when the Glendale News-Press also forgets to acknowledge the vital role Neighborhoods Services and the Committee for a Clean & Beautiful Glendale had in getting the clean and green job done in Glendale.

I don’t expect praise, just acknowledgment.

Lenore Solis

