
Ferraro family plans fundraiser for anti-bullying campaign

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The family of Drew Ferraro – the 15-year-old who jumped to his death at Crescenta Valley High School Feb. 10 – has planned a fundraiser to benefit anti-bullying efforts.

The campaign, “Drew’s Voice,” will use proceeds from the event to fund anti-bullying efforts, awareness and prevention programs locally and across the U.S., according to an announcement from organizers.

Authorities have cited a note Drew addressed to family and friends in determining that bullying was not a factor in the suicide, but in an interview with KCBS-TV, his parents cited personal journal entries that revealed the sophomore was the target of harassment at school, including name-calling and pushing, and that it might have been a factor in his death.

The fundraiser is scheduled March 4 at Leo’s All Star Sports Bar & Grill, 2941 Honolulu Ave., and will include a car show, hot dog roast and a “battle of the bands” with 10 live acts.

The event is set to start at 11 a.m.

T-shirts with the phrase “Drew’s Voice, Our Voice” will also be available at the event and at Ocean View Board Sports that weekend for a $15-donation.

Those want to contribute to the campaign, but can’t make the event, may call (818) 268-5310.

-- Jason Wells, Times Community News

Twitter: @JasonBretWells
