
More charges filed against Burbank-based campaign treasurer

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Campaign treasurer Kinde Durkee faces five counts of mail fraud involving $7 million in losses by 50 political committees and candidates, including U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, according to court documents filed by federal prosecutors Tuesday.

A hearing on the charges is scheduled for Friday in U.S. District Court in Sacramento, and sources familiar with the investigation said prosecutors were trying to work out a plea deal in the case.

The U.S. attorney’s office in Sacramento declined to immediately release details of the charges. Spokeswoman Lauren Horwood sent out a statement announcing, “Charges filed in Durkee case.” In addition, she said, “This is to inform you that an information was filed today in U.S. District Court in the case against Kinde Durkee. We have no further comment at this time.” The filing was not immediately available from the court.

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Kinde Durkee sued by congresswomen, state senator

Kinde Durkee court hearing to be postponed again

-- Patrick McGreevy in Sacramento and Richard Simon in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles Times
