
Attorneys give closing arguments in ‘intelligent design’ lawsuit against JPL

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Attorneys argued Monday that it was either religious intolerance or workplace incompetence that drove systems administrator David Coppedge from a post at Jet Propulsion Laboratory last year.

Monday’s arguments capped a five-week trial in Coppedge’s lawsuit against the NASA lab in La Cañada Flintridge, in which he claimed he was removed from his job in 2011 because of his advocacy of the theory of intelligent design of the universe.

“This is a series of retaliation — a series of subtly damaging injuries all starting from David’s reaction” to discriminatory actions taken by supervisors, said William Becker, Coppedge’s attorney.

Cameron Fox, representing JPL, said Coppedge was lucky to have been employed on the Cassini mission to Saturn as long as he was — 14 years — given complaints about his work and his clashes with co-workers.

“Frankly, it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to determine that somebody with a bad working relationship with every unit head of a project wouldn’t be sticking around during downsizing,” she said.

Budget cuts prompted JPL to shed roughly 200 administrative jobs in 2011 — the year Coppedge was let go.

Becker said the contention that Coppedge was disciplined for stubborn or disruptive conduct was a smoke screen for attempts by supervisors, including Greg Chin, to squash Coppedge’s right to free speech and express his religious views.

“Chin’s religious intolerance is not going to fly from his mouth like a racial slur, your honor,” Becker said. “The degree of contempt he holds is going to be exposed in subtle ways.”

Fox said that the very supervisors Coppedge accuses of discrimination had covered for his poor performance and difficult behavior until they were forced to take action.

“But this only enabled his lack of self-awareness, his stubbornness,” Fox said.

Coppedge is seeking unspecified damages, though an expert witness called on his behalf estimated Coppedge is entitled to about $850,000 in lost and future wages. Coppedge is also seeking unspecified damages for emotional distress.

Attorneys for both sides will also submit written arguments to Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Ernest Hiroshige, who is presiding over the case without a jury.

Hiroshige said he would give atorneys six weeks to complete the briefing, and rule within 10 days after that.

-- Daniel Siegal, Times Community News

Twitter: @ValleySunDan
