
Kim Kardashian wants to be mayor... Of Glendale?

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Though hard for me to admit reading the gossip wires, this was a tidbit a bit too juicy to pass up: Kim Kardashian wants to be the mayor of the Jewel City.


“I decided…I’m gonna run for the mayor of Glendale…but it’s gonna be in like five years,” she said according to Radar Online.

Kardashian, who made the statements on an unaired clip of Khole & Lamar, said the fit was a natural because Glendale is an “Armenian town.”

The mayor of Glendale, of course, is an appointed position, chosen each year among the sitting members of the council. Given the recent difficulty the council had in choosing its most recent mayor, one can only imagine the back-in-forth that would precede a Kardashian administration.

First, though, she’d have to get on the council. Now that would be an election season. It might even improve the quality of our local council watchers – aesthetically, anyhow.

-- Dan Evans, Times Community News

Twitter: @EditorDanEvans
