
Gatto’s bill to reduce violence at sporting events now lacks bite

San Francisco Giants fan Bryan Stow was severely beaten in a Dodger Stadium parking lot on opening day last year.
(Ricardo DeAratanha / Los Angeles Times)
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A bill designed to reduce violence at sporting events is moving forward in the state Assembly, but it doesn’t have the same teeth it once had.

The bill, introduced by Assemblyman Mike Gatto (D-Silver Lake), originally called for the creation of a list of banned fans who have caused problems in the past.

It was watered down in committee hearings and now only requires that stadiums clearly post emergency phone and text numbers for local security officials.

Gatto said he thinks some members at the hearings didn’t completely understand the bill, particularly the ban list.

“The more liberal members on the panel had a problem with it,” Gatto said.

He’s still glad the bill is advancing, even if it’s been amended.

The listing of local emergency numbers will greatly reduce response times compared to dialing 9-1-1, Gatto said.

AB 2464 has passed the Assembly and is now in the Senate.

-- Mark Kellam, Times Community News

Twiitter: @LAMarkKellam
