
Saturation patrol in Glendale nets 10 DUI arrests

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Ten motorists were arrested in Glendale Saturday on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, police said.

Of the 10 motorists arrested during the multi-agency saturation patrol, three were for being under the influence of drugs, Glendale Police Sgt. Michael Glassick said. One motorist was also cited for felony possession of hashish, he added.

Officers from the California Highway Patrol and South Pasadena, San Marino and Glendale police departments stopped 113 vehicles during the operation, Glassick said, and conducted 22 field sobriety tests.

The highest blood alcohol level logged that night was .14, nearly twice the legal limit of .08, he said.

Another 18 citations were issued and four motorists were arrested on suspicion of driver’s license violations, Glassick said.

Police also arrested a motorist on suspicion of possessing stolen reencoded credit cards and giving false information to an officer, he added. Eleven vehicles were also impounded during the operation.

Officers from 100 law enforcement agencies, including Glendale, made 1,188 driving under the influence arrests countywide from June 29 to July 8, according to an anti-DUI campaign known as “Avoid the 100.”

Of the arrests, 119 were made on the Fourth of July, according to the campaign’s statistics. But the highest number of arrests during the 10-day enforcement period was 185 on June 30.

Glendale police also made an additional 10 DUI arrests from July 2 to July 8, Glassick said.
